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Crash and bug reports / Unreal terrain graph is lost
« Last post by ZoltanE on November 01, 2021, 11:02:13 AM »
When I try to edit the terrain ("Edit in Instant Terra") then the default terrain graph loads up instead of the one I made. Since the last time it worked properly we moved the landscape and all related actors to a new sublevel, updated to UE 4.27 and Instant Terra 2.4.
Could you advise how to get back my terrain graph?
Crash and bug reports / Re: Unreal landscape has duplicate layers
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on October 25, 2021, 08:28:01 AM »

Thanks for your feedback.

The Content Browser may not refresh automatically and may display layer info that are not really present anymore.
In this case, selecting another folder then selecting the layer info folder again may fix the issue.

But the landscape actor should always be up-to-date, at least when all shaders are compiled.
We haven't been able to reproduce the case where a landscape actor would contain invalid layer info, even when adding layers, removing layers, renaming layers or changing layer order.
If you have a repro case leading to a landscape actor being invalid, we would really appreciate if you could send it to us.
Thanks a lot.
Feature requests / Re: Avoid intense flashing on gizmo manipulation
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on October 22, 2021, 04:06:19 PM »

Thanks a lot for your feedback.
We're going to improve the way the wait animation is displayed, especially to avoid the case where the terrain is displayed only for a fraction of a second.
If we have enough time, it will be in Instant Terra 2.4, to be released next week.

If you work on large terrains with complex graphs, you may consider using Instant Terra Pro which has dedicated algorithms for large terrains. In some cases, the frame rate may be up to 4 times better on a 8K terrain.
Feature requests / Re: "Mask" default terrain color option.
« Last post by ZoltanE on October 22, 2021, 01:27:54 PM »
I see, makes sense, cheers! :)
Feature requests / Re: Option to disable crashlog sending
« Last post by ZoltanE on October 22, 2021, 01:27:12 PM »
Oh I see, great, thanks! :)
Feature requests / Re: "Mask" default terrain color option.
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on October 22, 2021, 11:38:26 AM »

You can use an "Apply mask" to display a mask over a terrain (the mask is automatically converted into a color map and the color map is applied onto the terrain).

Please note that if your mask is black, the terrain will be black as well. To fix this, you can add a "Scale & Offset" node to slightly increase the values of the mask. You can also use a "Min & max values" node to set a minimum value to the mask.
Feature requests / Re: Option to disable crashlog sending
« Last post by Alexis Vaisse on October 22, 2021, 11:30:13 AM »

If you don't want any crash report to be sent, you can define the following environment variable: INSTANT_TERRA_DO_NOT_SEND_CRASH (any value will work).
If the application crashes, a message box indicates whether an anonymous crash report has been sent.

This feature will be available in Instant Terra 2.4 to be released next week.

If you find a repro case for a crash, please send it to
That's the best option to get the crash fixed. ;-)
Crash and bug reports / Re: Unreal landscape has duplicate layers
« Last post by ZoltanE on October 22, 2021, 08:23:00 AM »
It can be cleaned up by adding a new layer to the landscape material, compiling, removing it, compiling again.
Crash and bug reports / Unreal landscape has duplicate layers
« Last post by ZoltanE on October 22, 2021, 07:59:04 AM »
While I'm tweaking the layer structure for the terrain, adding and removing masks and so on, the Unreal landscape actor gets multiple layers with the same name, often using the same layerinfo, breaking visuals. I'm using IT 2.3.3 with Unreal 4.26.2.

Feature requests / "Mask" default terrain color option.
« Last post by ZoltanE on October 22, 2021, 06:47:55 AM »
It would be neat if we could select a mask output as "default terrain color" so it's overlaid on the displaced terrain. It would make it much easier to check and tweak masks which are only used as output data (passed to Unreal for example).
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