Author Topic: fbx Unable to read for MAYA  (Read 7466 times)


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HI, The mesh file I generated cannot be read in Maya.(My English is poor)

Marianne Calva

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I have questions for you and for the community:

-1 - To the community. Do other people experiment troubles with Instant Terra's FBX files imported to Maya ?
-2 - To you: which version of Maya do you have ?
-3 -  Can you import other FBX files (not Instant Terra's) to Maya successfully ?
-4 - Do you have an error message ? Can you check Maya's log file ?

Thank you,

Antoine Leclere

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Hello zjshooter,

Please let us know if you got troubles to directly import the mesh into Maya.

Otherwise :

  • Can you check if your terrain appears correctly in the Outliner ?
  • Can you check if you can see your terrain in the viewport after increasing the Far Clip Plane distance ?



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Thank you for answering my question! maya2014 Unable to open file,No error message,No files.maya2016ok

Alexis Vaisse

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Thanks for the feedback.

We're going to add an option to choose between FBX 2016 and FBX 2014.


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I've only tried with blender but that too could not open fbx file.  Unity could see the file but it was not decimated so was very large and unusable.

Antoine Leclere

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Hello AndyAces,

Exporting a .obj file is planned in our backlog.
Thanks to the Raw format, importing your terrain in Unity will be easier in Instant Terra's next version.
For now you can directly decimate your terrain in Instant Terra, using the trick I gave you here :
