Improved user experience

Change the terrain sides color: Define the color gradient of the terrain sides using a color picker.

Insert a node: Right-click on an existing link to create a node connected on either side via the top connector.

Show position: Toggle the display of the position of the vertex as x, y, z coordinates under the mouse in the top left of the viewport.

Pan keyboard shortcut: Pan in a terrain or mask by pressing and holding the Shift key and the left mouse button, and moving the mouse.

Duplicate nodes: Duplicate a node with all its input links by pressing Ctrl, clicking the left mouse button, and dragging the node.

Erosion improvements

Hydraulic erosion: A new advanced algorithm generates erosion that doesn't follow the world axes, which is often the case, providing results with more realism and diversity.

Sedimental smoothing: Simulates the effect of sedimental deposition due to the general weathering of the terrain.

Flow simulation: Simulates the movement of water on a landscape. Generate different flow maps based on the terrain slopes and water accumulation without calculating erosion simultaneously.

Multi erosion: Combine the different erosion nodes with the multi-erosion component, which applies a multi-scale logic. Now available in our library for 1k x 1k terrains (requires Instant Terra 1.7).

New nodes

Size information: Splits the size of the input terrain, mask, color map or normal map and outputs the width in number of vertices, the length in number of vertices, the quad size, the width in meters, and the length in meters.

Multiply terrains: This node multiplies two terrains. At each vertex, the value of the output terrain is the multiplication of the values of both input terrains.

New component features

List parameters: Creates a list of parameter values to apply one at a time to a component.

On/off parameter: Switches a parameter on or off.

Translation and rotation parameters: Translates the terrain horizontally and vertically along the X and Y axis, and rotates the terrain.

New terrain examples

See the different projects delivered with Instant Terra.

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