Adding a Directional blur node

This node applies a blur on a color map in a given direction.

The intensity of the blur is determined by a terrain that causes the displacement on the color map to modify. This terrain is called the control terrain.

To add a Directional blur node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Color > Directional blur or use the keyboard shortcut NCDB for Node Color Directional Blur.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Blurring the color map

  • Intensity: Use the slider to define the intensity of the blur to apply, which is modulated by the control color map.
  • Angle: Use the slider to define the direction of the blur, between -180° and 180°. You can use the rotation manipulator to change the angle.
  • For the control terrain:
    • A positive altitude results in a blur in the direction defined by the chosen angle.
    • A negative altitude results in a blur in the opposite direction.

The image below shows the result obtained for a directional blur of strong intensity with an angle of 45° on a color map.


Parameter Use
Intensity Defines the intensity of the blur to apply
Angle Defines the direction of the blur, between -180° and 180°

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