Adding a Directional warp node

The Directional warp node transforms a color map and a terrain into a color map. The terrain is used to determine the deformation to be applied at each point to the color map.

To add a Directional warp node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Color  > Directional warp.

Select the node to open its parameters:

Editing a Directional warp node

Use the sliders or the manipulator to adjust the Directional warp values.

  • Strength: Defines the force or intensity of the displacement.
  • Angle: Defines the direction of the deformation:
    • When the angle is equal to 0°, the color map is warped orizontally.
    • When the angle is equal to 90°, the color map is warped vertically.
    • When the angle is equal to 45°, the color map is warped in the direction of a SW-NE diagonal.

Positive altitudes lead to a displacement toward the right when the angle is equal to 0. A negative altitude leads to a movement in the opposite direction, for example to the left when the angle is equal to 0.



Parameter Use
Strength Adjusts the intensity of the warp.
Angle Defines the direction of the warp.

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