Adding a Split color map node

The Split color map node splits the red, green, and blue channels of an input color mask and outputs a mask from each of these channels. Each channel with values between 0 and 255 is normalized to be stored in a mask.

The inverse operation is provided by the Color map from masks node.

To add a Split color map node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node > Color > Split color map.

This node has no parameters.

Linking a Split color map node

  • The input connector links to a color map.

Use the Fast-creation menu by clicking and dragging the input connector to find compatible color map nodes.

  • The first output connector extracts the red channel of the color map to create a mask.
  •  The second output connector extracts the blue channel of the color map to create a mask.
  • The third output connector extracts the green channel of the color map to create a mask.
  • The fourth output connector extracts the alpha channel of the color map to create a mask.

If the color map does not have any transparency, the alpha channel will be entirely white.