Adding a mask Multi blend node

This node blends an unlimited number (in practice up to 10) of masks using the different blend modes available in Instant Terra.

By default, it has three input connectors:

  • The first is the mask, which serves as a base. It determines the size of the mask. All other masks are blended onto this one.
  • The second is the mask to blend with the first one. It constitutes the first layer of the node. Several other layers can be added.
  • The last connector is an optional mask used to define the places where the blending should take place. It is shared by all layers.

If two different masks are needed for two layers, two Multi blend, Blend, or Full composition nodes must be used instead of one Multi blend node.

To add a node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Mask composition > Multi blend.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Editing the Multi blend node

  • Layer: Assign a name to a layer. The default name is "Layer 1" for the first layer, "Layer 2" for the second, and so on.
  • Blend mode: Select a blend mode from the drop-down list.

    These modes are the same as those of the Blend and Full composition nodes.

  • Blending ratio: Use the slider to define the proportion of blending from 0 (no effect) to 100 (complete blending).

  • Tile X and Tile Y: Check the options to repeat the mask along the X axis or along the Y axis.

  • Activate or deactivate a layer: Use the button to enable and disable layers.
  • Add a layer: Use the button to add a layer. The node acquires an additional input connector to connect the mask of the new layer.

  • Delete a layer: If the node has several layers, click on the delete button of a layer to delete it. The connector associated with the layer is deleted.
  • Change the layer order: The order in which the different layers are applied affects the final result. Change the order of the layers by using the buttons to move up or down a layer. The connectors follow the order of the layers.
  • Change the scale of a mask layer: By default, the mask layer retains its initial size. If it is not the same size as the output mask, it only covers part of the output mask it is smaller and only part of this mask will be blended if it is larger. The operation is therefore similar to that of the Full composition node (the mask to blend retains its default size), rather than that of the Blend node (the mask to blend is automatically scaled). If the mask layer is not the same size as the output mask, the Scale button scales it so that it covers the entire mask.
    Conversely, the Reset button below reverts the mask to its original size.
  • Translate, rotate, or scale a mask with the manipulator: When you select a layer, a manipulator appears in the 3D window to move the mask layer.

    By clicking the right mouse button for the first time, the scale manipulator opens.

    Clicking a second time with the right mouse button opens the rotation manipulator.

    A third click opens the translation manipulator

    The Scale and Reset buttons also reset the translation (back to center) and rotation (no more rotation).


Parameter Use
Layer Assigns a name to a layer
Blend modes Selects a blend mode
Blending ratio Defines the proportion of blending, from 0 (no effect) to 100 (complete blending).
Tile X and Tile Y Repeats the mask along the X axis or along the Y axis.
Activates or deactivates a layer
Adds a layer
Deletes a layer
Changes the scale of a mask layer
Reverts the mask to its original size.

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