Adding a Blur effect node

This node applies blur effects to a terrain.

To add a Blur effect node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node  > Terrain transformation  > Blur effect or use the keyboard shortcut NTBE for Node Terrain Blur Effect.

Double click on the node to open its parameters:

Blurring the terrain

  • In the drop-down box, choose one of the four blur effects:
    • Swirl clockwise
    • Swirl counter clockwise
    • Zoom in
    • Zoom out

The first two options produce a blur effect in the form of a swirl: clockwise for the first and counterclockwise for the second.

The other two effects create a blur effect by zooming in or out of the terrain.

  • Intensity: Defines the intensity of the blur to apply.
  • X and Y: Defines the center of the blur to be applied by modifying the X and Y parameters or by dragging the manipulator. The image below shows an example of a blur with two different positions for the center.


Parameter Use
Swirl clockwise Produces a blur effect in the form of a swirl in a clockwise direction
Swirl counter clockwise Produces a blur effect in the form of a swirl in a counter clockwise direction
Zoom in Creates a blur effect by zooming in on the terrain
Zoom out Creates a blur effect by zooming out of the terrain
Intensity Defines the intensity of the blur to apply
X Defines the center of the blur by modifying the X axis
Y Defines the center of the blur by modifying the Y axis

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