Author Topic: Tuto of WorldBrowser error 401  (Read 1889 times)


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Hello, J'ai suivie

I next the tutorial WorldBrowser, I obtains an error 401, there the detail :

" Connection error (An error occured, Error code : 401.)
  Check that you have a valid connection to the Internet. "

Why ? I not understand error, or is normal, iam sorry if, I speak bad in english. It not a my language national.

Alexis Vaisse

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The World browser uses external web sites, such as OpenTopography, to download the data.
It may happen that the OpenTopography site is down. In this case, you will get an error, for example error 401.

If you try again later, the site may be up and running again, and you will be able to complete the tutorial.


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Hello, I'm getting the same error message and have verified that the OpenTopography website is not down. Could there be a potential problem with the API key that Instant Terra uses? 

I have also verified that it's not my firewall blocking the connection as I turned it off to test and get the same error either way.   Would love any help. Thanks!

Alexis Vaisse

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You're right, it seems that the OpenTopography API has changed.
We will update Instant Terra so that it can use the OpenTopography API again.

Meanwhile, as a workaround, you can use the Mapbox data source with a free Mapbox key.


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Oh great! I'll set up an account with Mapbox. Was hoping I didn't have to, but that's fine. Thanks!

Alexis Vaisse

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Instant Terra 2.5.1 is now available with a fix for this issue.