Author Topic: Vector Displacement ?  (Read 5080 times)


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Have you consider to handle vector displacement (or any stacking displacement method) that could push terrain creation to an other level.

Something that could help to create this kind of formation (amazing image from Luc Bianco / Terragen) :

If you can archive this level of detail (lateral displacement, adaptive tesselation), while keeping (relative) instant feedback, that would put instant terra into a really unique field.

Or is it something complete out of scope ?

« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 11:05:09 PM by paqwak »

Alexis Vaisse

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Hi paqwak,

Thanks for your feedback.

For the short term, we plan to add distorsion and displacement nodes, but the terrain will remain a heighmap, i.e. a single height for each (x,y) point, so no vertical cliff nor cave.

We know that a lot of people are interested in lateral displacement. This is something we may consider for the mid / long term, as it's a really big feature to implement. ;-)


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Thanks for the quick reply Alexis !


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In the meantime, you can try this workaround :

Get a slope mask (from Instant or from Substance Designer's Facing Normals node), then use it to drive a secondary displacement modifier in your favourite 3d app to add new informations to your elevations.