Adding a Houdini list parameter node

This node is used to expose a list type parameter (combo box) that will be available for editing in Houdini.

To add an Houdini list parameter node, right-click in the Graph Editor and select Create Node > Calculation > Houdini list parameter or use the keyboard shortcut NHL (Node Houdini List).

Select the node to open its parameters.

Editing a Houdini list parameter node

Edit the following parameters:

Tip: To create a Houdini list parameter node, open the contextual menu on the parameter of a node that you want to expose in Houdini and to choose Edit in Houdini:

The Houdini list parameter node is then created automatically. It is linked to the connector associated with the parameter to be exposed:

In addition, the name and the different values are initialized from the properties of the exposed parameter:

The Edit in Houdini menu entry is only available if a Terrain to Houdini node is in the graph.

Full documentation can be found here: Bridge to Houdini documentation.

See also: Import terrain from Houdini node, Export terrain to Houdini node, Houdini parameter node, and Houdini on/off parameter node.


Parameter Use
Name Name of the parameter to display in Houdini.
Values Name of an input to add in the combo box in Houdini and the value associated with this inpuy that the node must return when this input is selected.
Add value Adds a new input.
Default value Default value of the parameter in Houdini.
Value Current value of the parameter. This value is used to test the effect of the node in the graph. It is not used in Houdini.

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