Author Topic: Tiled Terrain Support and more nodes Similar to World Machine  (Read 7469 times)


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Been messing around with Instant Terra for a little bit. I really like it. I just introduced it to a bunch of people on the unoffical CryEngine slack and a few Unreal Engine Groups. There is room for improvement though.

Here is where I think Instant Terra could be improved -

1. Adding the following nodes - Blend, Combiner, terrace, fluvial erosion, thermal erosion, etc.
2. Support for Tiled Terrain export. Details here Look for Tiled or Tiling using CTRL + F.
3. The ability to import GIS / SRTM Data.

Thank you for your time,

« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 06:58:31 AM by HeadClot »

Antoine Leclere

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Hello HeadClot,

Thanks a lot for your feedback, we're really happy that you enjoy our software so far and shared it to the community.

For the differents improvements :

  • Blend & combiner nodes: there are already some blending modes available: sum, difference, average, linear combination, min, max, alpha blend (see "Terrain composition" and "Mask composition " in the context menu). Please let us know if any blending mode you would like to have is missing.
  • You can emulate a Terrace node by using the "Apply curve" node. However we plan to add a specific node later.
  • Fluvial erosion will be in the next beta version to be released in November.
  • Thermal erosion will arrive a bit later.
  • Tiled Terrain import options already exist, export options will follow.
  • DEM files import will be available in the next beta release in November.
