World browser: Search for a location

Use the Search box to search for a specific location or enter its coordinates and view directly the place you are looking for.

Render terrain node: Export high-resolution images

Use the new Render terrain node to generate and export RGB images from Instant Terra.

Ramp colorize nodes: Colorize your terrains

Two new Ramp colorize nodes based on a color ramp use landforms and altitude to create color:

Sharpen node

Use the new Sharpen node to emphasize the details of your terrains. You can:

UI / UX corner

Auto-reconnection after adding/deleting a node

When a node is deleted, the node before and after this node are automatically reconnected whenever they are compatible.


When creating a new node (press Tab to open the Smart menu), the new node is now automatically connected to the selected node whenever they are compatible.

Technical corner

Components: List parameters set as images can now be displayed in one or two columns.

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